I'm back from my summer trip and I can now resume work on this website. And wow, did I miss a lot. First, a new Callus release, version 0.42
[ Download: DOS / Win95/98 (DirectX) ] - thanks to Davesclassics
Also, DirectX 6 came out: [Win95 / Win98 ]This release features better support for Qsound games. It also saves Callus95 video settings. But by far, the biggest deal is the support for the new game, SFII Rainbow Edition. However, the name is quite stupid. The new game is in fact SFII Blackbelt Edition! We can now all bring back our memories of this pirated version. I've been experimenting with this for a few days now. It seems true to what I remember except for a few things. First of all, I remember it being a lot easier to do no-charge moves. Also, in this version, the computer is able to change characters, which I don't think its supposed to be able to do. I'm not sure if these problems are because the pirated boards are different then the ones I had played on or if its a result of the emulator's programming. Anyhow, I know a lot of people have played this before, so I would love to hear from you guys with your opinions on this.
I know how I said I was going to restructure the glitch pages in my last update, but before I do that, I am going to work on a SFII Rainbow Move FAQ. Hopefully, I'll have this done before my next update.
I also updated the movies section, the save state section, and the Guile section. I finally have that Vega Bonus stage glitch in a save state. I also have some misc saves and movies (the new stuff is indicated on the pages).
I also put up a SFII Rainbow (Blackbelt !!) image gallery.
One more thing. I would really like to thank everyone who e-mailed me telling me about the new release. This site would be dead without all of the reader input I get, so I would just like to thank everyone again. And remember, if you are looking for news and can't wait for me to update telling of new Callus releases, you will always find the news on either Davesclassics, Emunews, or EmuViews.
Also, I wanted to make a general site note. Only the links on the navigation bar (to the left) and the links in the current days news are kept up to date. Links in the old news may not necessarily work. In other words, when a new version of Callus comes out, the links to the previous versions will not work anymore because the sites take them down.
An update in 2 days?!? Well, yes. First off, I need to give credit where its due. Over the last few days I have been corresponding with a numerous amount of people for help with some on the more difficult Guile bugs. It turns out that most of these tricks are much too difficult for me to do, however, I am not going to hesitate on posting explanations.
Also, it seems that the glitch pages need an update. I am going to try to organize them into a nice table or something with pictures, movies, and save states.
Bloodlust does it again...releasing two new versions of Callus, Callus 0.41 and now Callus 0.41b:
Also released was version 2 of the QSound Player. I updated the Guile section as well. I am going away for July, so I probably won't update the site until August.
BIG NEWS: Callus 0.40 was released, but the biggest news is the new version of Callus, Callus95 0.40:
This version of Callus has many new features and supports new games. New features include a high color renderer, TCP/IP Netpplay (Win95 only), and map 2to3 support which allows you to do SF "three Button" moves by pushing only 2 of the 3 buttons. Also released is a CPS-2 QSound Player which plays music from Capcom System 2 Arcade games such as Street Fighter Alpha. Also, the Callus Homepage was updated. The Street Fighter Callus Movie site has opened a Netplay section where gamers can find opponents to play Callus games with.
I redid the layout of the main page...I think it looks better now. I fixed some bad links as well. I added 4 AMAZING movies to the movies section with Guile's invincibility and others. I am working on an explanation to how to do these (actually I'm trying to figure it out myself) and will have it available soon. in the meantime, read this e-mail. The same movie was also sent to the Street Fighter II Callus Movies site.
A great site opened up with some Street Fighter II Callus Movies including a really good one with Guile's shadow throw, handcuffs, and freeze all in one round. There are some movies there that I made as well. I also added a movie section to my page....please send me all of your movies / save states please! I have been getting a lot of e-mails asking about the Blackbelt ROMs. I do not have them and I have no means of getting them. I have e-mailed Cabbe and Org of The Rom List to ask if they have this ROM, however they never responded.
I know its been a while since the last update. Anyhow, there has been some big news lately. First of all, Callus 0.30 is out. This is a major update, with support for Street Fighter II Japan and Street Fighter II Turbo Japan (along with support for many other CPS-1 games). Also new to this version is digital YM2151 support which means background music! The official homepage has yet to be updated. Be sure to visit Dave's Videogame Classics Rom Page for the newest ROMs. Also check out this (removed 5/2/98) temporary page on IHOR for some Callus Roms. I added a link to the Callus Save State Section of Zophar's Domain. Also added a link to TSOL Fan's Save State Page. Save states allow you to save your game at anytime in Callus which can be restored for continuing at a later time. It like a battery backup.
A lot of you have been mailing me about the blackbelt edition. As far as I know, this edition was from a modified circuit board, not just from dipswitch settings. I have yet to find a ROM dump of this, however, I will be asking the sources I know to see what can be done to get this game emulated.
I know its been forever since I updated, but the truth is that I don't have too much more to report for Callus. Sardu, the author of Callus, has not updated his emulator in a while and as a result there isn't much to report. I added a links section to places that can help people get started with emulators.
I changed the layout again. I think I like it this time.
I joined 2 new Webrings
I added a Street Fighter Image Gallery of hard to find pictures and drawings. Most of them come from old strategy guides that I have. If the response to this is good, I'll add more.
Sorry for the lack of updates. I'm running out of glitches for this site, so I'm thinking of adding some other fun stuff such as art and many more Callus saves. So go ahead and e-mail me some Callus saves all zipped up.
I updated the Guile section slightly.
I added a save state of Guile's statue confusing Vega.
I made a SF2: WW character select screen in Javascript. Its quite cool. It can be used to take you to the glitches on each character. Check it out!
Added coverage of new glitch I found in the Guile section. Added a Glitch Callus Save Section. Added the Ken and Ryu car glitch in the Ken and Ryu section.
Added new sections. Fixed all bad pics and links. Also rearranged the site a bit.